
Xbox duck hunting games
Xbox duck hunting games

xbox duck hunting games

This campaign will last you a good 8 to 10 hours, it’s basically like spending an entire work day with the duck dynasty crew, and honestly it feels as such, I was actually immersed into the game and everything going on.

xbox duck hunting games

There’s fishing to do where you find a hot spot in the lake, throw out your hook, wait for a bait, and work to reel your fish in without snapping your line and a lot of strange sly cooper metal gear solid style sneaking. The map is very memorizable, which is kinda refreshing, I felt very much like I was at a park or camp. You may be surprised or not to hear that collectible finding was my favorite part of the game. There’s frog catching to do that can unlock rewards along with finding all 19 road signs and all 7 of sis buried treasure. This is very twitched based shooting, when they get close you aim, shoot, aim, shoot, and get as many as you can before they all fly away and you call in more. First of course there is duck hunting, where you do a rhythm based quick time even to call in ducks to end their delicious lives. The campaign is composed of the same repeating missions. You only say anything when a clip of you from the show is on screen. It basically puts you inside of a Duck Dynasty episode, complete with cut scenes and voice acting, except for you of course. Duck Dynasty is an open world hunting game. It basically puts you inside of a Duck Dynasty episode, Duck Dynasty So bad it’s kinda good.

Xbox duck hunting games